Tom hyankasa famous American actor, writer and director. Born in 1956. He twice received the Best Actor Academy Award, which is known as Oscar. In 011 of Yale College, one in May of this speech, he said.Just a day man. Please, do not you clear off the electronic devices. Your iPhone, aipyada, BlackBerry, devices that record data, photos, and can be spread, they do not stop the diyo. Away
from Twitter or Facebook, you can compare and debate the most memorable things that has not happened. Even in this upadesatao 'tweets', you can!
I say, with the little ganatana, graphics, editing, and drop the web. It 'senasesanala' may. Nets can be a lot of chat about it. We all can do in this world should not be impossible. Welcome to the world in front of you. One uncle, his bhasteke said, 'It'll go to college. Because when you decide to be here, the next to last day of life until you go to work. 'I have an account yatabarai - nikase however, often come to us with our fear of asabharasara. I 'fear' is annoying me a sabdatake. We have the most psychological barrier of fear, 011. We expect you to this college pratibacharai, is the fear that you would like to leave you aso. Because we really do have some fear. Fear that the products of a century has been the cheapest. And the most easily spread faster than with the fear of everything.John Paul Jones said that the United naukarmakarta, bhayake you can grow it becomes more powerful.I am fearful and infirm as bhayake. And I trust that we own the sebhabei containing feeds. I cry every day on our face. Faith in our attempts to be so dynamic that we see through a mirror into atmabisbasirupe day. So who is my guru, I do not believe?Tinajanake sleep at night can be found for those who do not fear cote. It must be a story. I was afraid to push the mind of any one of three tirthapathe learned there. Thus far, the mountain was found guhaya wise. There are no trees, no animals do not live in, not even insects. Katarabhabe recourse is to reach the three wise person. Prathamajana said, 'I'd like to do, I fear, cripple phelala' to the doctor, 'What is your fear?' He answers, 'death. When they come for me 'doctor' s advice, to give me your bhayake far. Until death do not come, as long as you do not hug him. Whenever you will contain the truth, and I fear not death. 'The second person because of his fear away, stranger, my new neighbors, they are different from me. 'Rational answers,' I bhebo this they will not. Go home to your neighbors to create a cake to go. Give the gift of new toys for their children. Add them to ganabajanaya their jibanadharake sekho know. You will be with them, be friends. And your fear will go away. 'The third said, 'If I go to sleep every night is a spider on my ceiling beye coming down to the meat.' Khemkiye wise person said, 'What's your idea, so I'm on top of the hill, where the animals live in the guhaya what? The spider is not? 'We fear the worst end of the good work and we can check the findings.We live in a world where we blindly believe many things which do not exist yet. Ethnic diversity, we do not accept with joy, that I could create a unity between us. Every morning, you awake with powerful to foment bhayake will, or will have a chance to atmabisbasake? You will be able to decide which one will be. Yale College today for all your achievements, talent and ability and what you can be with you James.Yoddhara country will return to the front dinaguloya battlefields around the world. Mayadane terrible war has been turned into a fear of their confidence. You will be responsible for eliminating the fear from their eyes. Their education, so they can learn. You will work so that they can be fighters from a concerned citizen. The self-bune diyo. They are their own and the rest will continue.The return of the El. You are responsible for the start. We will be happy to field all the time, but it does not work. Success does not work all the time - and it can bring. It may be fed to one another rather than days. Return to the rest of the day will go to work. Likely to be in fear and self-confidence. I will be back. You can go forward with confidence. No way can you? Go forward all the time. Twitter on your list, then the whole world. Thank you and congratulations everyone.
from Twitter or Facebook, you can compare and debate the most memorable things that has not happened. Even in this upadesatao 'tweets', you can!
I say, with the little ganatana, graphics, editing, and drop the web. It 'senasesanala' may. Nets can be a lot of chat about it. We all can do in this world should not be impossible. Welcome to the world in front of you. One uncle, his bhasteke said, 'It'll go to college. Because when you decide to be here, the next to last day of life until you go to work. 'I have an account yatabarai - nikase however, often come to us with our fear of asabharasara. I 'fear' is annoying me a sabdatake. We have the most psychological barrier of fear, 011. We expect you to this college pratibacharai, is the fear that you would like to leave you aso. Because we really do have some fear. Fear that the products of a century has been the cheapest. And the most easily spread faster than with the fear of everything.John Paul Jones said that the United naukarmakarta, bhayake you can grow it becomes more powerful.I am fearful and infirm as bhayake. And I trust that we own the sebhabei containing feeds. I cry every day on our face. Faith in our attempts to be so dynamic that we see through a mirror into atmabisbasirupe day. So who is my guru, I do not believe?Tinajanake sleep at night can be found for those who do not fear cote. It must be a story. I was afraid to push the mind of any one of three tirthapathe learned there. Thus far, the mountain was found guhaya wise. There are no trees, no animals do not live in, not even insects. Katarabhabe recourse is to reach the three wise person. Prathamajana said, 'I'd like to do, I fear, cripple phelala' to the doctor, 'What is your fear?' He answers, 'death. When they come for me 'doctor' s advice, to give me your bhayake far. Until death do not come, as long as you do not hug him. Whenever you will contain the truth, and I fear not death. 'The second person because of his fear away, stranger, my new neighbors, they are different from me. 'Rational answers,' I bhebo this they will not. Go home to your neighbors to create a cake to go. Give the gift of new toys for their children. Add them to ganabajanaya their jibanadharake sekho know. You will be with them, be friends. And your fear will go away. 'The third said, 'If I go to sleep every night is a spider on my ceiling beye coming down to the meat.' Khemkiye wise person said, 'What's your idea, so I'm on top of the hill, where the animals live in the guhaya what? The spider is not? 'We fear the worst end of the good work and we can check the findings.We live in a world where we blindly believe many things which do not exist yet. Ethnic diversity, we do not accept with joy, that I could create a unity between us. Every morning, you awake with powerful to foment bhayake will, or will have a chance to atmabisbasake? You will be able to decide which one will be. Yale College today for all your achievements, talent and ability and what you can be with you James.Yoddhara country will return to the front dinaguloya battlefields around the world. Mayadane terrible war has been turned into a fear of their confidence. You will be responsible for eliminating the fear from their eyes. Their education, so they can learn. You will work so that they can be fighters from a concerned citizen. The self-bune diyo. They are their own and the rest will continue.The return of the El. You are responsible for the start. We will be happy to field all the time, but it does not work. Success does not work all the time - and it can bring. It may be fed to one another rather than days. Return to the rest of the day will go to work. Likely to be in fear and self-confidence. I will be back. You can go forward with confidence. No way can you? Go forward all the time. Twitter on your list, then the whole world. Thank you and congratulations everyone.
1 comment:
It is so important to our to inspire myself. thanks a lot for this informational post.
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